Your Guide to getting the most accurate test results
The Placement Test is designed to assess your level of English before beginning your program of study. It is carefully calibrated to the levels in myEnglish and the content in our Blended Learning Classes, in order to ensure you are able to achieve success in your program.
While it may be tempting to try to "ace" the test and achieve the highest score possible, it is more effective to approach the test only with the knowledge you hold in your own head. Using online study aides or trying to boost your knowledge before taking the test may artificially raise your score and land you in a course that is too hard for you at the outset.
We sometimes hear from frustrated learners who begin their program and discover the content is too hard for them to follow.
If you find yourself at the beginning of the program and feel you have been placed in a level that is too hard -- or too easy -- please reach out to your Dynamizer!
Take the test and be honest about what you know.
Do not guess, and do not make use of outside resources to answer the questions.
Complete the Configuration Check
Some questions contain audio elements -- be sure your headphones or speakers are set up appropriately.
Begin the Test
There is a 60 minute time limit to complete the test, and it must be completed in one sitting.
Test cannot be completed on tablet or mobile device
3 Steps to Complete the Placement Test
Important Advice for the Test
Do Not Use a Dictionary or Translator
Rely solely on your own knowledge for the test. If your browser is set to automatically translate pages, please disable the tool for your coursework.
Do Not Guess
If you do not know the answer, select the option to indicate "I don't know".